
Demonstration of climate change mitigation potential in nutrients rich organic soils in Baltic States and Finland (LIFE OrgBalt)

LIFE18 CCM/LV/001158


Start date: 1.8.2019

End date: 31.8.2024

The primary aim of the LIFE OrgBalt project is implementation of climate-change mitigation measures in management of nutrient-rich organic soils in cool temperate moist climate region to contribute to the EU and national climate targets in post-2020 commitment period by reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from organic soils in cropland, grassland and forest land.

The following specific project objectives have been set out:

  1. to improve the GHG accounting methods and activity data for nutrient-rich organic soils under conventional management conditions;
  2. to identify and to demonstrate sustainable, resilient and cost-effective climate change mitigation measures applicable in nutrient-rich organic soils;
  3. to provide tools and guidance for elaboration, implementation and verification of results of the climate change mitigation policies.

Project is implemented in 5 countries – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and Germany.


  • Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava" (coordinating beneficiary),
  • Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia,
  • Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry,
  • Luke,
  • Tartu University,
  • NGO Baltic Coasts,
  • Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies,
  • Michael Succow Foundation.


  • LIFE Programme of the European Union and the State Regional Development Agency of Latvia.



LIFE OrgBalt compiled the first regional Baltic/Finnish GHG emission factors for managed nutrient-rich organic soils (current and former peatlands), which have been made available for the customary scientific review and further verification for national GHG inventories in the hemiboreal region in Finland and the Baltic countries. While the project analysed selected CCM measures for drained organic soils in agriculture and forestry and developed spatial models and tools, it also identified remaining knowledge gaps. To bridge the remaining limitations and fill the gaps, it is essential to continue GHG measurements and model development, as well as to broaden and complete the scope of the evaluated CCM measures in the after-LIFE-project period, notably by including rewetting and restoration of peatlands that are currently considered to be among the most recommended CCM measures on drained peatlands in the EU. In addition, the developed Simulation and PPC models still include limited macroeconomic considerations and lack an assessment of all environmental impacts. For all these reasons, these models should be used carefully in CCM strategy development for the identification of gaps in climate neutrality transition policy and funding frameworks and need further optimization for broader applicability as decision-making tools.

Contact person at the Ministry of Agriculture: 

Kristīne Sirmā

Deputy Director of Department
Kristine.Sirma [at]

The information reflects only the LIFE OrgBalt project beneficiaries’ view and the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.