Press information

On April 7, in Luxembourg, Raivis Kronenbergs, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) participated in the EU Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries where the European Commission (COM) and the EU Member States discussed the situation on agricultural market, including provision of food. 

Janusz Wojciechowski, Commissioner for Agriculture of the European Commission, emphasized that provision of food and food supply safety is the reason why the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was established 60 years ago. At present, in the context of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, it is obvious that provision of food is as important as the provision of military safety and defense.

Janusz Wojciechowski, pointed out that the EU must find balance between sustainability of food systems and provision of food. Resilience of the EU agriculture must be strengthened, and productivity of agriculture will have to be facilitated. The Commissioner acknowledges that the aid provided within crisis framework is an important instrument to stabilize the current market situation, but it is not sufficient. Therefore, the Commissioner emphasized the need to ensure undisturbed operation of the EU internal market, indicating that export restrictions are inadmissible.

The EU Member States appreciated COM Communication of March 23 on aid for food provision and the measures covered thereof (market support measures, State aid measures, derogations from production limitations on fallows, higher advance payments of direct payments, etc.) at the same time, indicating that there are possibilities to improve and adjust them to the developing situation. Member States repeatedly emphasized the necessity to reduce the EU dependency on third country imports of energy resources, raw materials, including mineral fertilizers, and ensuring availability of these resources for producers at adequate prices.

Raivis Kronbergs, MoA State Secretary: “Exactly 60 years ago, founding States of the European Economic community defined CAP objectives. The key objective was ensuring European inhabitants with a qualitative and safe food. Unequivocally, it is a topical and important objective of the EU CAP today, too – in this geopolitically and geoeconomically complicated time. The food and provision of food is the guarantee of the national safety both for Latvia and other European States.”

Information prepared by:

Dagnija Muceniece

Head of Division
Dagnija.Muceniece [at]